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What are the various literary forms and styles of old English literature?

What are the various literary forms and styles of old English  literature?
Ans. During old English period literature undergoes a noticable development. The result of hundred years of slow growth contributed to the development of a definite literary form and style. However it is difficult to divide the various types of literary works. Inspite of the fact the following are some of the important forms of literature.
Poetry: Poetry appears earlier than prose. There were different types of poeĂ¼-y like—heroic type of Beowulf, Waldere and The Fight at Finnsburh, The Battle ofMaldone. The epic types of poetry was also found in Beowulfwhich lacks the finer qualities of classical epic. The so called Christian epics were  not found during this period. The lyric has no example in old English but there are some poems which have melancholy and personal emotion associated with lyric. For example, The Wanderer and The Sea Farer.
Prose: Much of old English prose consists of translation from Latin. But some of them has originality and personal quality. The homilies of  Aelfrick and Wulfstan are the beginning of the true development of old  English prose which found its full expression in the authorized version of the BIMe. The beginnings of historical writings are to be the Anglo-Saxon cronical and the development is clean in the works of Cynewulf.
In regards style we can say there is a comparison between the technique of Caedmon and Cynewulf. The expression of individuality and feeling, less reliance on phrases use of alliteration etc. became prominent in the development of literary style which continued till their time of Norman conquest. In spite of the limited scope in prose writing, there appears a development of prose style. The prose writers also used alliteration and rhetorical figures. The personality of the authors becomes apparent in their works. The effects of the conquest have brought about a change on poetry and prose. Rhyme took the place of alliteration. In fact, in spite of the conquest, the continuity of old English literary form and style is clean.

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