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Showing posts from August, 2017Show all
How is Miranda used as a tool in fulfilling Prospero's purpose? Or, Comment on the dramatic function of Miranda- Ferdinand love story in The Tempest.
Compare and Contrast Ariel and Caliban in The Tempest as many ways as you can. Or, Attempt a comparison and contrast between Caliban and Ariel as you find in The Tempest. Or, Compare and contrast the characters of Ariel and Caliban.
Write on Prospero's island. Or, Give your impression of Prospero's island.       Or, Show in what way The Tempest is a blend of romance and realism.
How does Shakespeare match Time, Place and Action in The Tempest? Or,  Comment on Shakespeare's observance of the dramatic  unites in The Tempest.
Comment on Shakespeare's treatment of the themes of freedom and slavery in The Tempest. Or, Write, after The Tempest, an essay on the theme of liberty. How does Shakespeare establish the truth that true freedom of man consists in service? Or, Do you find any moral is The Tempest?
Examine the relationship between Miranda and Ferdinand in The Tempest.
Discuss Shakespeare's treatment of the theme of usurpation in The Tempest. Or, The Tempest deals with the theme of sin, penitence and redemption. Discuss
Consider King Lear as a tragic hero.
Evaluate King Lear as a man more sinned against than sinning.  Or, Construct the image of King Lear as a man more sinned   against than sinning.
Consider Cordelia as a tragic character. Or, How far is Cordelia responsible for the tragedy in King Lear. Or, Show Cordelia as a tragic heroine.
Is King Lear pessimistic? Give reasons in support of your answer. Or, Discuss Shakespeare's treatment of evil and suffering in King Lear.  or, Is the view of life in King Lear ultimately pessimistic? Justify your answer.
"Lear's Fool had wisdom in disguise". Elucidate critically.  Or , Critically discuss the character of Fool in King Lear.
Bring out the significance of the Storm Scene in King Lear.
Bring out the dramatic significance of the subplot in King Lear Or, Examine the use of parallelism in King Lear. Or, What are the advantages of the double plot in King Lear?
King Lear is a play which shows the progress of a 'King' becoming a 'Man'. Or, Discuss the theme of self-knowledge in King Lear.
Desdemona is too innocent and gullible a character to be believable. Do you agree? Or, Why does Desdemona suffer? Or, Is Desdemona responsible for the tragedy of her life?